Is Nadav Itzkowitz from YMH Studios dead? Viral Tom Segura video explored

Publish date: 2024-06-14

Rumors of Your Mom’s Podcast’s Nadav Itzkowitz passing away have spread like wildfire. This comes after the latest episode of the show aired. However, the internet personality is alive and well.

For those unversed, Nadav Itzkowitz is best known for being a producer of YMH Studios. He amassed a following online after his appearance on the podcast episodes. He had garnered over 108K followers on Instagram at the time of writing this article.

Recently, rumors of Itzkowitz passing away made its way online. This comes after the thumbnail for the latest podcast episode titled No Ads I Farewell Nadav I Your Mom’s House Ep. 726 included a picture of the social media personality in question with angel wings and a halo.

The thumbnail also included pictures of Tom Segura and Christina Pazsizky. It gave off the impression that Nadav Itzkowitz had passed away.

The video is available only for those who are members of the channel. Since many could not gain access to the podcast episode for context, they fell under the impression that Itzkowitz passed away.

Thumbnail of recent Your Mom's House podcast episode (Image via YouTube)

However, this is not true. Nadav Itzkowitz is alive and well.

Nadav Itzkowitz did not die

It seems like the thumbnail for the latest YMH podcast episode was just created for clickbait. The description under the YouTube podcast video said:

“It’s a sad day at Studio Jeans, long-time producer Nadav Itzkowitz is leaving the Jean Team. He sits down with the Main Mommies to discuss his time with the show, what’s going to happen with the marathon, and what next is in store for him.”

Itzkowitz also took to Instagram and Twitter to tease the latest podcast episode. He tweeted:

“Big changes are happening. Watch YMH tomorrow”

In a recent Instagram story, Itzkowitz appeared to be on a run and told followers:

“Marathon update- I’m not f**king dead, I’m very much alive. Things are changing. Watch YMH tomorrow. Good times.”

For those unversed, Itzkowitz was challenged to run a marathon on the YMH podcast prior to the announcement of him leaving the show.

Hence, it is safe to say that the internet personality is still alive.

The internet personality is also called Blueban among the YMH following. He entered the entertainment industry after joining the LXTV- NBCUniversal. He has produced various podcast shows including Where My Moms At, 2 Bears 1 Cave, Dr. Drew After Dark and Your Mom’s House.

Itzkowitz attained his bachelor’s of art’s degree from the University of California.

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