Starfield Powers tier list
In Bethesda's newest RPG adventure, Starfield, players will be transported to the ultimate sci-fi fantasy to explore the endless depths of space. Yet, there's more to this game than meets the eye. Magic awaits those who seek it, as Powers will enhance their gameplay experience by providing elevated magical abilities and fighting skills. Out of the 24 Powers available, several will dramatically change the course of the game.
If you're out exploring the galaxy in Starfield and need guidance on which Powers to acquire, fear not! This article has you covered with a comprehensive tier list.
Starfield Powers tier list: Which Powers stand out the most?
Starfield's most overpowered are arguably these S-tier Powers. In various scenarios, each provides an impressive benefit.
- Anti-Gravity Field
- Parallel Self
- Precognition
- Reactive Shield
The paralyzing space generated by Anti-Gravity Field immobilizes foes trapped inside, making it an asset in battles against multiple opponents, particularly in higher difficulty modes.
Meanwhile, Parallel Self summons another version of you, which is quite similar to Elden Ring's Mimic Tear. Thus, it doubles your power, and you will become a threat to opposition forces.
For those who want to sneak around and plan, using the Precognition ability is a wise move. This unique power is perfect for those who have trouble making decisions in Starfield, as it enables you to get a sneak peek of a unit’s patrol path. Additionally, if you use it on a non-critical character, you'll get an idea of what they might say in the dialogue.
Having Reactive Shield can be an advantage when you're facing numerous foes because it heightens your defenses and rebounds projectiles. It's an asset to have in your arsenal.
In Starfield, it's worth giving the A-tier Powers some thought as they offer great value. However, there are some minor drawbacks as well.
- Supernova
- Void Form
- Solar Flare
- Gravity Well
When foes are nearby and wide-ranging destruction is necessary, Supernova can prove quite effective as it unleashes an explosive burst of staggering force. If sneaking around unnoticed is the goal, Void Form can be optimal as it essentially renders you invisible for a certain period.
Enemies in Starfield can quickly feel the heat of Solar Flare if you're searching to inflict pyro damage. You can crush and ensnare enemies with Gravity Well by summoning an intense gravitational field, although it can be circumvented at times.
The Starfield Powers in the B-tier are skilled in their own right. However, they lack effectiveness or are only beneficial in specific situations, making them less desirable than those in higher tiers.
- Creators' Peace
- Gravity Wave
- Particle Beam
- Grav Dash
Creators' Peace can pacify and disarm enemies in the area. However, it only lasts a few seconds before they start shooting again. Meanwhile, the Gravity Wave power launches a wave in front of you which subsequently staggers and knocks down the enemies.
Particle Beam does deliver a heavy blast, but it has a straight trajectory. On the other hand, Grav Dash accelerates and amplifies your offensive capabilities, but only for a short time.
Powers in the C-tier are seldom employed and frequently disregarded. Though one may experiment with their potential, they are not as potent as the aforementioned abilities.
- Sunless Space
- Alien Reanimation
- Sense Star Stuff
- Life Forced
- Inner Demon
- Elemental Pull
Sunless Space and Alien Reanimation have little potential to be advantageous in combat. The former shoots a freezing ball of ice, while the latter brings back a departed alien for assistance. Life Forced, Sense Star Stuff, and Inner Demon offer little to no combat efficiency.
Gathering inorganic resources around you with the Elemental Pull power is okay, to say the least.
At the lowest rung of the hierarchy are the D-tier Powers which are defined by their inability to perform their intended function, rendering them useless and ineffective.
- Phased Time
- Eternal Harvest
- Earthbound
- Create Vacuum
- Personal Atmosphere
- Moon Form
The universe slows down because of Phased Time, the flora is reborn with Eternal Harvest, Earthbound alters gravity, and Create Vacuum cuts off the O2 supply. Meanwhile, the Personal Atmosphere power provides oxygen. However, in Starfield, these abilities are insignificant and irrelevant.
As it only lasts for a brief period, the Moon Form is not particularly beneficial during combat despite its ability to boost your resistance.
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