Where to find and enter the approval code at a research lab

Publish date: 2024-06-15

For the past few seasons, Fortnite players have been treated to seasonal quests. These come out just like the weekly challenges, but serve a bit more of a purpose.

Instead of only being a way to earn XP, they are also a way to learn about the storyline and what's going on with the game. It's been a brilliant way for Epic Games to dispel key plot information to fans.

In Chapter 3 Season 2, the storyline quests were all about defeating the Imagined Order. In Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3, they were about investigating the Zero Point and Reality Tree.

Now, they're about Chrome, the Herald, and other things related to Season 4. One of the most recent challenges is to find and enter an approval code at a research lab. Here's how you can do that.

Find and enter an approval code at a research lab - Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 quest

Step 1: Load up a new Fortnite match

Load into a new game (Image via YouTube/xApplezz)

For you to complete this challenge, you need to be in a regular Battle Royale (or Zero Build, if that's the mode you prefer) match.

It's not a Creative quest, so it has to be completed in the regular mode. Additionally, fans can take to it in Solo, Duos, Trios or Squads as it does not require a teammate.

Step 2: Land at this house

The house for the challenge (Image via YouTube/j8hnb)

This house that is located to the east of Tilted Towers is the first location for this challenge. When you get close, you should see the exclamation points on the screen. These denote exactly where you need to go.

Step 3: Examine the code

The code (Image via YouTube/j8hnb)

Choose one of the codes and go to it. Interact to examine it, which will complete step one of the process. This challenge only requires one code, so there is no need to bother with the other two options in the house.

Step 4: Enter the code

Enter the code (Image via YouTube/j8hnb)

On the wall above the place where you interacted with the code is an actual code. In the case of this example, it is 07231.It will also be present above the other locations in the house.

Turn around and look to the middle of the room. There are four computers and you can enter the code in any one of them.

When you interact, it will bring up three numerical options. You have to select the first number of the code, then repeat the process with the other four numbers. Each time, you will have three options, so make sure you enter the correct one.

Once you've entered the final digits, the challenge will be complete and you will receive XP and the all-too-familiar sound effect you hear when getting a challenge phone call.

This will allow you to move on to future Fortnite storyline quests if they are available. Each one progresses further, with new ones released weekly.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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